Page name: The Heart's Key Character Bios [Logged in view] [RSS]
2014-02-11 15:14:47
Last author: Koho Ai
Owner: twitchboy
# of watchers: 20
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The Heart's Key Chars

This RP isn't about powers or super humans or that sort of thing, just high school students.

<b>Grade:</b> (Freshmen, Sophomore, Junior, or Senior.)
<b>Physical Description:</b>

After you have made your bio, you may go to The Heart's Key RPG and click on the page that we are on!

There is a two character limit at the moment. This may change.

Alllsooooo :P Please send completed characters to [XxTsomexX] for approval. :)


Brayden Hoffensen Played by [XxTsomexX]

Soren Gallen Played by [Kbird]


Genesis Zabriel Played by [Flisky]

Baylee Marco Played by [ancienteye]

Xavier and Iris Rose Played by [Koho Ai]


Astelle Versaille Played by [XxTsomexX]

Stella Talony Played by [Kbird]

Killian Morgan Played by [Flisky]

Sarah Johnson Played by [~Crimson Angel~]


Kellen Drew Played by [ancienteye]

JD Holtz Played by [twitchboy]

(If your character graduates later on in the roleplay, you can have them volunteer at the school to keep them involved, or make a new character.)

Username (or number or email):


2007-06-14 [Roxcie]: Your Welcome ^_^

2007-06-15 [twitchboy]: I need a name for your keys real quick people, im sorry

2007-06-15 [Silver Moon]: a name?

2007-06-15 [twitchboy]: eh pull somthing out of the bue..then put it on The Heart's Key Room

2007-06-16 [Lin-tastic]: I like the name of my key...^_^

2007-06-19 [SamiiiNomNom]: hey how do i join? i can find a pic!

2007-06-20 [twitchboy]: you dont need a pic...its nice to have one though

2007-06-21 [Lin-tastic]: just makes things better and leaves less to the imagination making it simpler to

2007-06-21 [Bella HeartAttack]: omg i have good pic for this page for me tsome ill send it to u!

2007-06-21 [XxTsomexX]: k ^^ now i want you to A) watch all these pages and B) make your character's bio like this:

Player: your username
Name: character's name
Description: what he/she looks like
GPA: grade point average
History: self explanitory
Personality: your characters personality
Key: Name of it and What their hearts key looks like

2007-06-21 [Bella HeartAttack]: ok im not a blonde remember!

2007-06-21 [XxTsomexX]: you are!

2007-06-21 [Bella HeartAttack]: I AM NOT! IM NOT A BLONDE! AM NOT!

2007-06-21 [XxTsomexX]: Player: [Bella HeartAttack]
Name: Rain
Description: (what she looks like what she wears you put this in hilly)
GPA: 3.0
History: Rain grew up alone. She is old friends with Caron and returns to New York after traveling the world looking for information about herself, and her family.
Personality: Shes very hyper and loud
Key: Her key is a black fairy enveloped in what looks like black smoke. The keyblade is purple and the key can be worn as a necklace.

there add or remove whatever you want and repost it in a message

2007-06-21 [Bella HeartAttack]: dyed her hair so its gray and red and has red eyes tall and wheres whatever she wants to where no matter what

wtf is a gpa????????

wow my history stinks lol we need more
ohh like at the age of 7 i was an assasin and things like that

personality: (no loud) hype somtimes others just herself


2007-06-21 [Koho Ai]: GPA = Grade point average

2007-06-21 [XxTsomexX]: revised version, is it okay now?:

Player: [Bella HeartAttack]
Name: Rain
Description: dyed her hair so its gray and red and has red eyes. Shes tall and wears whatever she wants to wear no matter what
GPA: 3.0
History: Rain grew up alone. She is old friends with Caron and returns to New York after traveling the world looking for information about herself, and her family. At the age of 7 she became an assasain.
Personality: Shes very hyper sometimes otherwise she keeps to herself.
Key: Her key is a black fairy enveloped in what looks like black smoke. The keyblade is purple and the key can be worn as a necklace.

2007-06-21 [Bella HeartAttack]: im not a 3.0 im very smart lol. yes i love it

2007-06-21 [XxTsomexX]: ok lol a 3 is pretty good...

2007-06-21 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: i dnt no wut i am -.-

2007-06-21 [XxTsomexX]: ok hill now go to The Heart's Key Room just to watch it... i'll tell you where to go from there.

2007-06-21 [Bella HeartAttack]: omg im so lost

2007-06-21 [XxTsomexX]: go there

2007-06-22 [Bella HeartAttack]: lol i love my pic

2007-06-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: hi

2007-06-23 [Iruvielle]: hey misty!

2007-06-23 [Bella HeartAttack]: heyy

2007-06-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol*hugs*

2007-06-23 [Iruvielle]: *hugs back* how are you misty?

2007-06-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: good,u?

2007-06-23 [Bella HeartAttack]: kenji tried to drowned herself in a sink today i saved her l0l

2007-06-23 [Iruvielle]: I DID NOT!!!!! THAT WAS ALL YOU!!!! and i'm great.. but angry at the same timw! V_V

2007-06-23 [Bella HeartAttack]: it wasnt me it was me twinny

2007-06-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: lol

2007-06-23 [Iruvielle]: *shakes head* don't believe her misty! rofl!

2007-06-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: k

2007-06-23 [Lin-tastic]: So...I'm thinking of exiting this roleplay...

2007-06-23 [Iruvielle]: why?

2007-06-23 [Lin-tastic]: Because the two people supposed to RP with my character haven't and this thing is confusing beyond belief...-turns to you- I don't think we've met officially...-waves- Hi!

2007-06-23 [Iruvielle]: *waves back* hi.. :) and don't worry.. one of the people who i rp with isn't on.. and i don't know when she'll be back.. and ugh..

2007-06-23 [Lin-tastic]: Why would I be worried? I'm just kinda...peeved they haven't written anything on the new page... I'm thinking of just kinda...removing my character, but continueing to talk here...for a bit, or something...

2007-06-23 [Iruvielle]: ok.. Well.. if you stick around.. you can find some place to jump in, i'm sure...

2007-06-23 [Lin-tastic]: Nah, I've decided against it. ^_^

2007-06-23 [Iruvielle]: ok then! :) i'm only here because my friend.. roxcie was like, JOIN! YOU'RE CHARACTER CAN BE MY CHARACTER'S BEST FRIEND! so i'm like.. meh, ok.. LOL

2007-06-23 [Lin-tastic]: Yeah, I was asked, too, but it doesn't always work out...I guess this means good-bye. ^_^ See ya later, then.

2007-06-23 [Iruvielle]: *huggles, tear* alrighty... see ya later...

2007-06-30 [Akayume]: the heck could a seven year old be an assassin? >.<

2007-10-23 [Roxcie]: ooo Maggie, good job! You made your char. really hot lol

2007-10-23 [doggiepog6]: yeah lol <img:44166_1164145171.gif>

2007-10-23 [Roxcie]: Well mine's hotter than yours

2007-10-23 [twitchboy]: we need to gewt this thing going again...i opened a sandbox wiki to The Heart's Key Sandbox
go wild!

2007-10-23 [doggiepog6]: Well mine is hot 4 a guy and yurs is hot 4 a girl

2007-10-23 [Roxcie]: Yeah lol
Okay Maggie, let's go to the Sandbox place :P

2007-10-23 [doggiepog6]: the what?

2007-10-23 [Roxcie]: The Heart's Key Sandbox Go there and put something now :P

2007-10-23 [doggiepog6]: Oh ok

2007-10-23 [Roxcie]: But of course you should wait until the school day is over first lol

2007-10-23 [doggiepog6]: Right durr!

2007-10-23 [Roxcie]: Hey are you being sarcastic with me or are you durring yourself?? lol

2007-10-23 [doggiepog6]: I'm durring myself

2007-10-23 [Roxcie]: Ok you better be lol

2007-10-23 [doggiepog6]: Yeah cuz sometimes I don't think right lol

2007-10-23 [Roxcie]: No, you don't. lol
but hey, i have no room to talk sometimes :P

2007-10-23 [doggiepog6]: Yeah we all have stupidity moments lol

2007-10-23 [Roxcie]: Yes we do. lol
Everyone does at some point :P

2007-10-23 [doggiepog6]: Sometimes we have blonde moments lol jk

2007-10-23 [Roxcie]: Hey, blondes are smart!!
I'm living proof ^_^ Well, strawberry blonde. same thing :P

2007-10-23 [doggiepog6]: Yeah you r a total and complete blonde but that's a good thing :)

2007-10-23 [Roxcie]: Yeah. ^_^

2007-10-24 [chyu]: .......

2007-10-24 [doggiepog6]: That's why I love u Roxinator <img:61691_1132936287.gif>

2007-10-24 [Roxcie]: lol I feel the love :P

2007-10-25 [chyu]: .....

2007-10-25 [~Crimson Angel~]: Please take my new poll,<poll:75788>

2007-10-26 [doggiepog6]: You should feel the love cuz I love u so much buddy <img:img/mood/61513_1174777570.gif>

2007-10-26 [Roxcie]: yay ^_^

2007-10-26 [doggiepog6]: Yuppness!

2007-10-30 [doggiepog6]: Yuppness again! ^_^

2007-10-30 [Roxcie]: *blinks* lol

2007-11-02 [doggiepog6]: LOL SO WE NEED TO START A COVERSation. What ya'll wanna talk bout?

2008-03-26 [XxTsomexX]: This is being restarted. Sorry for the inconvenience.

2008-03-26 [Rice]: Can i re-join Tsome?

2008-03-26 [XxTsomexX]: Yup :) You may make a new character if you want or if you want your old one I saved it :P

2008-03-26 [Rice]: No it's alright i'll make a new character.
Can he be a new student to the school, like a transfer from England :D

2008-03-26 [XxTsomexX]: Sure ^^

2008-03-26 [Rice]: We don;t have GPA here in England, what would be a high one?

2008-03-26 [XxTsomexX]: the highest is 4.0 so probably about a 3.7

2008-03-26 [Rice]: Ok well shall i add him here or send him to you for checking?

2008-03-26 [XxTsomexX]: Uhm... you can just put him up here ^^ its all good ^^

2008-03-26 [Rice]: Ok will do now.

2008-03-26 [*(.Randi.)*]: I don't have a picture! :P

2008-03-26 [Rice]: Not enough guys on this, give me a secound Tsome and i'll make you another guy character., XD

2008-03-26 [Piercedskull]: me likey Ethan*drool*

2008-03-26 [Rice]: :D HE ROCKS I KNOW!

2008-03-26 [XxTsomexX]: Okay lol

2008-03-26 [Piercedskull]: *nosebleed*

2008-03-26 [Artsy]: Wait, do you need a guy? Because I could make a guy instead. Really, not a problem.

2008-03-26 [Rice]: I've made another guy..:)

2008-03-26 [XxTsomexX]: You can do what you want hun ^^ its fine lol we have another character thats a male on the way [KnightAngel]'s character

2008-03-26 [Blood Sucking Beauty]:


2008-03-26 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: sorry i keep trying to add my chars but everytime i do it keeps teling me that it didnt add cuz sum1 else edited while i was. IT DID IT TWICE! im very impatient n im sorry.

2008-03-26 [XxTsomexX]: Easy hun... and please don't make the words so big XD

2008-03-26 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: ok my chars are finally up!

2008-03-26 [Rice]: Now you just need to pick a key ^^

2008-03-26 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: i had a spasm cuz i worked on them for 30 minutes and tried to make them perfect but when i presed enter it told me i wuznt allowed so i hads a fit n tried again but the second time i had a total mental break down!

2008-03-26 [XxTsomexX]: ok

2008-03-26 [Rice]: Question about Damions character...i would never think a 6ft man would be 12 or 13.
Also you sort of copied that from my profile on Danny's, i don't know if you did it on purpose.

2008-03-26 [Artsy]: 12 or 13 year old high school students o.o?

2008-03-26 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: no no its my charrie from my other RP but in the other RP he is a vampire(hence the eyes and the apearance) and his face looks much of a 12 or 13 year old. he is actually 22...wait..ha leme change that hahahaha

2008-03-26 [Rice]: Ok fair enough.

2008-03-26 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: heh ok i fixed him his normal bio is here... Mythical Land of Mystery

2008-03-26 [Rice]: I see, it still does sound like my character.
Is there any chance you would change that little factor, just so they arn't similare in that sense?
(The looking 12 to 13 thing)

2008-03-26 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: but its true. if u look at his image he duznt look 18 but i can change it but he will still look yunger than he is. He has to be older than Takashi since Takashi looks up to him and Damion is Takashis "Master"

2008-03-26 [Rice]: ....Then they can be mini together.
Perfect pair XD

2008-03-26 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: well see the original intention was Damion was bassed off my Brother (even birthdate) and Takashi based off me (even birthdate) but my bro wasnt 6'0" but now its more like him cept he is actually 22 HAHA but there aint 22yr olds in HS

2008-03-26 [Rice]: No.
Thus it doesnt matter.
Danny likes short people ;)

2008-03-29 [*(.Randi.)*]: ..............we need more guys! Should I double up as a guy?

2008-03-31 [~Queen Of The Shadows~]: I'll rp as a guy,Misty told me about this wiki.

2008-03-31 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: I can make another guy but that wuld make 4 chars 4 me.

2008-03-31 [XxTsomexX]: ok lol

2008-03-31 [Iruvielle]: I can make another charrie.. I only have one..

2008-03-31 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: that works lol

2008-03-31 [Iruvielle]: *nod nod* :D

2008-04-02 [~Queen Of The Shadows~]: I put up my character,what do you think?

2008-04-02 [Iruvielle]: niiiiice!

2008-04-02 [~Queen Of The Shadows~]: Thank you personally,I think he is smexy.

2008-04-02 [Iruvielle]: he is.. haha.. it's amusing cuz I use him as a vamp charrie in another rp! hahaha

2008-04-02 [Iruvielle]: well.. the pic! hahaha

2008-04-02 [~Queen Of The Shadows~]: I see.I'm at Misty-chan's house right now I'm spending the night.

2008-04-02 [Iruvielle]: oooo, coooool! Tell her I say hi and give her a hug for me! :D lol

2008-04-02 [~Queen Of The Shadows~]: ok,I will,normally she's real fun at sleepovers,but not tonight.

2008-04-02 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: PLEASE JOIN MY NEW RP! Mythical Land Of Mystery

2008-04-02 [~Crimson Angel~]: Ok.

2008-04-16 [*(.Randi.)*]: Oooh...sounds fun!

2008-04-17 [Ravendust]: Did some photomanipulating on the girl^^ changed eye color, gave her a tattoo, a belt, and a necklace. I love photofiltre :3 even recolored the key thingy

2008-04-18 [XxTsomexX]: Awesome ^^

2008-04-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: yeah

2008-04-19 [Artsy]: can we remove the key pictures from this page, and shrink the people pictures?

2008-04-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: why?

2008-04-19 [Artsy]: because it wouldn't take as long to load the page, and it would clean it up so it didn't look so cut and paste

2008-04-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Or we could shrink the keys and people,but that's up to the owner,[twitchboy],or the co-owner which I do believe is [XxTsomexX]

2008-04-19 [Artsy]: seems silly to put the keys here AND on the key page

2008-04-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: No one has my key.

2008-04-19 [Artsy]: ...and?

2008-04-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Just saying,my character is single,and no one has her key yet,it's very sad.

2008-04-19 [Artsy]: I would take her key, if I could, but I have Danny's... There are a lot of people who haven't chosen keys yet though.

2008-04-19 [~Crimson Angel~]: Yeah,I know.

2008-04-30 [doggiepog6]: ttly! ;)

2008-06-10 [Wicked X Vengeful Malice Midnight]: i wish to join! do i get a key? i beg to know i want to join badly

2008-06-10 [XxTsomexX]: Well, first you have to add yourself to the memberlist. Go back on the main page The Heart's Key and then links will be there to help you on the way. If you have a questions at anytime, let me know.

2009-01-23 [Alexi Ice]: <3 This is so cool.

2009-01-23 [~Crimson Angel~]: I think this place died...again.

2009-01-30 [Alexi Ice]: Thats too bad.

2009-01-30 [XxTsomexX]: I fixed it!! XD lol We're restarting if you wish to join.

2009-01-30 [XxTsomexX]: Opps Raven, no keys in this one. I got rid of them because they were too confusing and just too much of a hastle. (Oh, and please add yourself to the member list :3)

2009-01-30 [Ravendust]: yeah, just kinda copied them from the old one, then saw you'd taken it out :P And I did

2009-01-30 [XxTsomexX]: its okay ^^ lol

2009-01-30 [Alexi Ice]: Alright cool I will make my profile tommorow!

2009-02-02 [XxTsomexX]: ... Jacob Black... are you serious BB??!

2009-02-06 [twitchboy]: tsome i love ur gabe pic!!! ir looks like me!!! where did u get it?

i swear if i had that shirt, and my hair was as long as it used to be (i have the necklas, watch and pants) it would be a photograph

2009-02-07 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: *giggles* i ADORE gorgeous Jacob Black(The book character) and Taylor Lautner(The man who plays Jacob in the films)

2009-02-09 [XxTsomexX]: XD it was on photobucket

so do I :P

2009-02-09 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: ^.^

2014-01-31 [Kbird]: Can I use a picture even if I didn't make it?

2014-01-31 [XxTsomexX]: yes :) I did for Astelle

2014-01-31 [Kbird]: Sweetness.

2014-01-31 [ancienteye]: I'm almost done making the bios! Just gotta finish Katrina's personality...

2014-01-31 [XxTsomexX]: Yay!

2014-01-31 [XxTsomexX]: So with Katrina: How does she think? How does she respond to others? What are her dislikes, pet peeves, favorites? Since she is a teacher, how does she handle students that misbehave?

2014-01-31 [ancienteye]: Ok! How's this?

Player: [ancienteye]
Name: Katrina Marco
Age: 42
Subject: Music.
Physical Description: Katrina has medium dark skin, a round face with strong eyebrows, a somewhat upturned nose and smile lines. She is short and curvy with a brilliant grin and powerful voice.
Hair: She has long, wavy, dark brown hair that is always pulled up into a ponytail, braid or bun.
Eyes: She has almond-shaped hazel-green eyes that are usually accentuated with eyeliner and mascara.
Other: Katrina always wears subtle makeup on her eyes and cheeks with a bright, red-orange color on her lips. Her attire is usually shirt dresses, dark leggings, and heels.
History: Katrina has always pushed her daughter, Baylee, into getting involved in the performing arts, however her voice tends to flatten and seem emotionless when stressed and she has absolutely no musical talent. This left only one avenue—dancing. Ever since Baylee was old enough to plie Katrina had her learning all types of dance and memorizing the movements of ballets, salsas and waltzes. Since Jameston High does not have a team or club entirely dedicated to dance, the plan is for Baylee to try out for a spot as a cheerleader as an extracurricular to spice up her college applications/get her a scholarship. Katrina is currently trying to get a dance team arranged at the high school to showcase her daughter’s talents with less risk of her breaking a limb give the students another creative outlet to display school spirit and spend their after-school time.
Personality: Katrina loves the performing arts and believes that everyone should strive to be as creative and inventive as they can and that a person’s true potential is in how they can express themselves to the world. She tends to get involved with every performance the school arranges, from choir competitions and the marching band to plays and pep rally skits. Katrina is, in essence, a rather passionate, pushy and generally loud person. Her detentions usually involve some sort of creative expressionism or a lot of excessive cleaning.

Player: [ancienteye]
Name: Baylee Marco
Age: 15
Grade: Sophmore.
Physical Description: Baylee has medium dark skin, a round face with strong eyebrows, a somewhat upturned nose and a figure seemingly designed for dancing. She is short, toned, flexible and slim with barely any curves, a short torso and long legs.
Hair: Her hair is a dark brown and cut into a short, messy style that requires little upkeep.
Eyes: Her eyes are thin almond-shaped and a sort of honey brown color.
Other: During the school day and while resting at home, Baylee usually wears cargo pants and artsy t-shirts with canvas shoes. She never wears make-up unless she is performing or cheerleading.
GPA: 3.7
History: Baylee’s mother always pushed her into getting involved in the performing arts, however Baylee’s voice tends to flatten and seem emotionless when stressed and she has absolutely no musical talent. This left only one avenue—dancing. Ever since she was old enough to plie her mother had her learning all types of dance and memorizing the movements of ballets, salsas and waltzes. Since Jameston High does not have a team or club entirely dedicated to dance, the plan is for Baylee to try out for a spot as a cheerleader as an extracurricular to spice up her college applications/get her a scholarship. Her mother is currently trying to get a dance team arranged at the high school to showcase Baylee’s talents with less risk of her breaking a limb give the students another creative outlet to display school spirit and spend their after-school time.
Personality: Baylee tends to be submissive towards figures of authority, meaning that she is highly unlikely to end up in detention or suspended. Despite her choreographic abilities, Baylee is not, at heart, a performer. This tends to show in the fact that while the motions and poses of a dance is relatively easy for her, she has to constantly mentally remind herself to look and smile at the audience. She would really rather live quietly instead of in the spotlight.

2014-01-31 [Flisky]: Can we...please delete the old bio comment so it doesn't take up half the page...

2014-01-31 [ancienteye]: Oh! Sure.

2014-02-01 [Flisky]: Tsome...come back. I have characters.

2014-02-01 [Blood Sucking Beauty]: im debating whether i wanna try this one again

2014-02-01 [XxTsomexX]: Sorry!! Lol drinkin with [Bella HeartAttack].

Thank you for the help fixing the page Flisky :)

2014-02-01 [XxTsomexX]: DO IT BB

2014-02-01 [Flisky]: *salutes* ^_^

2014-02-02 [twitchboy]: hmm playboy heart throb or lovable goof?

2014-02-02 [ancienteye]: We don't have a playboy yet, I think...

2014-02-02 [XxTsomexX]: No playboys yet :)

2014-02-02 [Kbird]: go for play boy! ;3

2014-02-02 [Flisky]: We have a 'slut' girl already.

2014-02-02 [ancienteye]: ??? Isn't she a virgin who's only rumored to be a slut?

2014-02-02 [Flisky]: Yes. That's why the quotations are there.

2014-02-02 [XxTsomexX]: XD lol

2014-02-02 [ancienteye]: ...Should I alter KD's appearance a little? :/

2014-02-03 [XxTsomexX]: It's entirely up to you :)

2014-02-03 [ancienteye]: It's just that KD and JD have the same eye and hair colors and they're the only seniors so I need to find a way to make them a little more different. @__@

2014-02-03 [Kbird]: Hmmm change KDs eyes?

2014-02-03 [ancienteye]: Green or slate grey?

2014-02-03 [twitchboy]: oh my bad ancient i didn't even realize

2014-02-03 [ancienteye]: It's ok! I figure the name thing is ok since they probably know each other well enough to joke about it. :P The color scheme is bothering me, though, so KD needs new eyes/hair! DX

2014-02-03 [Kbird]: Green eyes! I love deep green eyes~ ^_^

2014-02-03 [ancienteye]: Green it is! XP

2014-02-03 [twitchboy]: He will go by Jullian in game anyhow,but KD is welcome to call him JD for a inside joke

2014-02-03 [ancienteye]: All better~ ^-^

Yeah, that sounds good. :P They're both seniors, so they've probably known each other for a while.

2014-02-03 [Kbird]: X3 blond and green eyes...yeppie!

2014-02-03 [ancienteye]: ...I changed his hair, too. .___. Should I change it back?

2014-02-03 [Kbird]: Yes!! =D

2014-02-10 [XxTsomexX]: When you're ready:

The Heart's Key RPG 1

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